Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bob Dole, wait who?

(1996 - Dole, "pants on fire")

In 1996, Clinton and Dole were "duking it out" for the presidency. many of the ads shown by the democrats claimed Dole was "risky" and emphasized many important topical debates that Clinton favored. This ad, "pants on fire," addresses any individual who had seen Clinton's ads and taken them for what they were. "Pants on fire" announces to the viewers of all the false statements and claims made by the president's campign team, and Clinton himself. In his discussion, Dole mentions things like Clinton saying he would not raise taxes on the middle class, then bringing up the fact that Clinton DID. Something Dole denounced was Clinton's ad claiming things about both men's point of view and stances on topics that were not true, and in reality were opposite of what the ad claimed. Dole pleas for support from individuals looking for a president with firm values, and bashes on clinton by calling him a liar. He gains credibility with the use of a DEMOCRAT's quote that listed Clinton as an unusually good liar. By using quotes from someone of another party, Dole gives the viewers an objective look at what Clinton really might be like.

this ad struck me as Incredibly effective (maybe not effective but relative). I started looking through the ads one by one and got the "wow, this Dole guy is a big jerk" feeling. After watching the ad's myself (all of the ones for Clinton, that is) I started to look at Dole's, anticipating a hatred for the man. Of course, while watching the first few, I began to poke dole's head with the mouse pointer, because he was such a bad man (mouse pointer head poking, is a sentence reserved for terrible people). Then I got to pants on fire. WOW, Dole isnt too bad, I guess Clinton was just making that up. well, "Sorry for doubting you, Bob Dole, I hope the voters get the same message I got. GOOD LUCK"

Result: I had not actually heard of Bob Dole.(he lost.)((I guess the effect the ad had on me was only because I had JUST WATCHED all the ads, while in reality, many people didnt give a"hoot" ))

*disclaimer: maybe I had heard of him a few times.....

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